Sunday, August 10, 2008

Fun at the Park

There is an amazing playground in Athens called World of Wonder, and it is the largest community built playground in the state. Ryan and I had went there before we were married once and had a lot of fun! My friend Emma decided that she wanted to take her daughter Dejanae up to the playground, and so Corbin and I hopped in the car and drove across town!

As soon as we got there, Dejanae was off and Emma and I hit the swings. Corbin was just chilling her carseat, stirring from her afternoon nap.

Emma on the swing next to me.

Corbin waking up, more than likely wondering where she is and why it is so bright!

After a few minutes of swinging myself, I noticed the baby section of the park, and I saw this man and his little baby playing on the swings. I decided that since Corbin is pretty good at holding her head up, she should give it a try! I sat her down in the bucket swing, pulling her little legs through. I then directed her tiny fingers to where she should hold on, and she gripped the little railing like she was a swinging pro! And then we were off!

She seemed a little tentative at first. She kept her head turned to the side and kept staring off in that direction. I think she was just getting adjusted to this new swinging idea.

Then she starts to get a little more brave!

She really loved the swing. Soon she was all smiles!

She sat in the swing like this, as happy as could be, for about fifteen minutes before she got tired of it. It was so fun to be able to take her to the park at such a young age and still watch her have a good time! And it was lots of fun for me, too! We'll definitely have to go more often!

The sun was a little overwhelming, though, so we had to skip out on the swingy-bouncy whale thing. We were getting blinded!

Maybe next time!

And Dejanae had a great time, too!

Too bad they aren't a little closer in age!

And at the end of the day, we had a nice Mommy & Corbi-lou photo-op. :)

This day at the park was just a brief glimpse at the fun that we can have together in the future, and I look so forward to every minute of it!

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