Wednesday, June 9, 2010

107:365 Pink Ladies


On Monday my sister Brittney texted me to say she had FIVE ENERGETIC BOYS that wanted to go swimming and invited us to come along! Of course, I said yes! I had just got some floats for Corbin over the weekend and I was excited to let her break them in. We met up at Brittney's house in Ludowici and then headed to her in-laws in Glennville.

Corbin and Tristan (one of my nephews) were quite the pair in the pool, with their floaties and rings. I think he had a lot of fun tugging her around, lol.

Four boys (and one Ryan) decided to jump into the pool simultaneously. (That's my nephew Noah on the far left. The other kids are his friends from school.)


And SPLASH! Noah was the first to resurface, haha.

Brittney made the comment that Corbin and Tristan were like the baby fish on Finding Nemo on the sponge baths. That cracked me up.

Tristan being ultra silly!

Ryan swimming with the Corbs.

Attempting to swim without the ring float. She did pretty good for a few seconds there, lol. She really enjoys her independence in the water!

Having a blast!

Kicking her feet around in the water, taking a break.

Me and my baby girl in all of our pink! Ryan had to say "Yoooooo Gabba Gabba!" to get her to look at the camera, but it worked! Heehee, we're the Pink Ladies.

We had a blast, but it wasn't long before I realized I was STARVING and the Corbs was ready for a nap. I can't wait to hang out again! It's definitely time for another beach trip! :)

106:365 Just Say No...


I recently bought some spaghetti-o's because I'm trying to find new things for Corbin to eat and I thought she might like them. I'm pretty sure this look says otherwise.

An epic battle raged between us!

A momentary stand-off.

But ultimately Corbin wins! She REFUSED to eat them, closing her eyes, shaking her head, ducking under the table, and pushing my hand away.

She did have a few bites right before Ryan started taking pictures, but she was being kinda moody that day, so I'm going to try again with the rest of them, lol. Oh well!

105:365 New Crayons!


I realized one of the reasons Corbin kept begging to go outside and crying pitifully when she couldn't (it's just TOO HOT in the middle of day here with ZERO shade in the back yard) was because she wanted to color! So we hopped in the car and went to CVS, where I picked up some washable crayons and a coloring book for my baby girl.

My Little Ponys! :)

She was super happy! And I taped the paper to the table so it wouldn't slide around. And we had fun naming colors together, too. <3

Also, did you know Corbin was a Picaso? Check our her work, replicated by daddy on the back door (hers is the bottom scribbles).

And so far the crayon diversion has been successful when she asks to go outside, so yay to preventing sunstroke! Seriously, it's hot!!

104:365 Baby Bulldog


One of my favorite fleece blankets that I won at Chinese Christmas a few years ago with the family. Corbs like fleece blankets, and the Princess blanket that's usually in her bed was hanging in a basket with her Cabbage Patch doll, Lucy, so daddy let her borrow mine.

Also, I'd like to note that Corbin yanked the blanket over her head as soon as she saw me come in with the camera. She does NOT like to be disturbed when she's trying to sleep, heehee. She's like a grumpy bear trying to hibernate. Get outta my cave!!

103:365 Sidewalk Chalk


Told you we got new sidewalk chalk! And she was having a blast with all the new colors!

I like coloring with it, too. And Ryan gets especially creative with his pictures. Corbin just likes seeing the colors flow across the ground. She knows so many of them, too!

In other news, the sandbox is out of commission. We've had a lot of rain lately. :P

We'll probably have to dump it out when we move and just get some fresh sand. It's growing algae! Kinda glad I haven't caved to the impulse and got her a kiddie pool. I know how gross those things can get, too! :P

102:365 Toys, Toys, Toys!


Corbin has a room full of toys, but she rarely entertains herself by playing in there. She likes books, crayons, and drawing. She likes ordinary objects. She's just not that big on toys. But occassionally she'll go in there and dump out her tub of toys, and then something like this emerges.

The barrel of monkeys monkey in her mouth is my favorite part of this picture!

No she DOES love this magic wand. It reminds her of a scene from Olivia.

"And you, Cow, will YOU be merry?" (She says this a lot when she's holding the wand, lol.)

Kool-aid tongue, heehee.

And it doesn't matter how often I go in there and put all the toys where they go, their containers are just much more entertaining if they're empty. (Which is why all the blocks are hidden where she can't reach them! :P)

101:365 Baby Botanist


Welcome to June! :) We had to get Corbin some more sidewalk chalk (she LOVES the stuff), and while she was outside playing one day last week, she found some purple flowers growing over by our shed. She loves plants, especially ones with flowers. :)

I like her dirty the bottom of her feet are, heehee.

(Also, not sure why this photo uploaded sideways, but oh well! :P)

My pretty girl! Her hair is growing back and I've decided to leave her bangs alone. Every time I've had them cut, they don't swoop to the side like they are supposed to, so I'd rather pull them back out of her face! She looked too much like Dora for my liking! :P

Also, she has about figuring out how to UNLOCK AND OPEN the back door. She is obsessed with going outside! She takes my hand and says, "Want to go outside?" and drags me to the door. And I feel bad because sometimes it is just WAY TOO HOT to go out there! Ah well, can't wait for Autumn! :)

PS. We are MOVING at the end of this month! To a smaller cute house in Ludowici. Cheaper rent, nice backyard, very small and quiet neighborhood. I'm going to miss this place, but I look forward to the NEXT ADVENTURE! ;)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

100:365 Corbin in Wonderland


Corbin's Day 100! I had a big idea, but knew it was going to be difficult to execute. Even though I wasn't exactly able to capture my vision, I definitely got some cute shots and had fun playing dress-up with the Corbs!

I give you...Corbin in Wonderland! :D

Corbin's outfit includes her Easter dress from last year (12 months size...It took FOREVER to iron and then I didn't even know if it was going to fit! It ended up being okay for this, but not to wear anywhere, lol.), her black tutu, her black and white BabyLegs tights, and a black bow that used to be mine. And Winston's get-up included bunny ears. I was going for a "Follow the White Rabbit" theme. :)

Some outtakes!

I love her little chubby cheeks in this picture. :)

Such a pretty smile! She was having a good time (she LOVES being outside).

Crazy faces! I can't remember what Ryan was doing, but he got Winston really excited and he took off right after I luckily snapped this picture, haha.

And the rain drove us inside, so I snapped a few pictures there. I like this one. That chair is fantastical. :)

So yes, finally, my Alice in Wonderland themed shoot. It was fun! :D And now it's time to get caught up again! I actually had this post ready to go on the day I took these pictures, but I wasn't sure if I was happy with my editing of the daily photo, so I put off posting it until I was satisfied. :P

99:365 Happy to be Home!


This past Sunday, Ryan and I attended the wedding of my fellow Biology teacher, Donna Fischetti. She had asked me to be her hair stylist for the wedding and I courageously took up the challenge (she has a TON of hair). She had her wedding on Jekyll Island, on the most BEAUTIFUL beach in the whole world, I swear.

Driftwood Beach. I'm in love.

We left Corbs with my sister Brittney for the day, and it was nice to have a few hours sans baby! This was after the ceremony, in one of the big trees on the beach.

I was SO HAPPY to have my baby girl back, though. And from what Brittney and Anthony said, she was a handful! She seemed pretty happy to be home, though. She's giving me this look like, "Mama, don't leave me for that long again!" lol

Hanging out on the kitchen floor, waiting for a hotdog and some macaroni. Apparently she wouldn't eat while we were away!

And I'm SO looking forward to heading back down to this beach again soon! It's only a little further south than the beach we frequent at St. Simons, but you have to pay a toll just to get on the island. Lame! I guess it's worth it, though, because this beach was AWESOME! :)

98:365 Go Away!


A quick snapshot as we put Corbin in the bed. One minute she's laying there, blanket tucked under her chin, giving me this LOOK, like, "Mama, please get out of here and let me go to sleep." After I snap the first picture, she yanks the blanket over her head.

I think this picture speaks for itself, haha.

PS. Oh, that pink blanket. She loves that thing. We FINALLY managed to wash it yesterday. It always looks so GROSS! That blanket and her pacifier...will she ever be broken?!

97:365 Beach Bums


First day of summer vacation and I spent it the best way possible...hitting the beach with my sister Brittney! I got up bright and early and the Corbs and I met up with her and we went to St. Simon's Island. It was such a beautiful day and YES, I remembered the sunscreen this time! :)

I really didn't take a ton of pictures, but I did get this one of me and Corbin hanging out on our beach towel, taking a break from running around (WHOO, she's a handful!)

Corbin did a lot of swimming. She likes holding on to a ring float and kicking her little legs around. I was so proud of her! I definitely need to get her a little ring float before we hit the pool again. She enjoyed the freedom of it, I think.

And this picture from later in the day just cracks me up because she was totally lounging on the couch, using Madison as a pillow! She frequently tries to use Winston as a chair, too!

Corbin is so much fun, haha.

96:365 At The Playground!


Last Thursday, my last day of school for the year (WHOOHOO!), we loaded up and took Corbin to a nearby elementary school to play on their massive playground. It was super awesome! She was ready. Playgrounds are serious business. And so are those pigtails, haha.

One of the first things we did was hit the swings. Man, we had a blast! Ryan took pictures, and some of them came out pretty funny, but I really loved this one!

Corbin had to try out every little piece of playground equipment, even this weird thing, lol.

And if there are three things my baby loves, it's 1. Sticks. 2. Sand and 3....

SLIDES! Wow, does she love slides. As soon as we got to the playground she ran up to the first one and said, "Slide!" And she had to try them all out. And there were several.

She was such a big girl on the slides, too! She went down that big curly slide all by herself. I told her to wait for me, and as we were at the top getting situated, she just went on down! And I thought the height was rather intimidating! Go Corbin!

95:365 Little Mermaid


The duty to bathe the babe usually falls on me, and we spend a good amount of time playing, unless we're taking a "business bath" (which is when she gets to be in the bathtub long enough for her hair to get washed and body to get scrubbed), and I wash her hair and soap her up as she plays with her toys. The challenge comes when it's time to rinse the soap from her hair. She's not so big on laying back in the water. I tell her she's my mermaid and I'll swish her hair around. Sometimes she likes it, and it's been much easier lately!

I can't believe how long her hair is getting! She looks so peaceful here.

After the bath it was time for our pedicure! I put her in her highchair, clip and file her toenails, then let her pick the nail polish. She LOVES it. This time she picked "Berry Pink."

How cute! She "oohs" and "aaaahs" a lot when I paint her toenails, and I love our "girl time" together. :)

It's getting about time for a refresher, too. I'm so happy to have my baby girl that I can dress up in ribbons and bows and paint her little toesies...when she isn't covered in dirt and food goatee, that is!