Wednesday, June 9, 2010

105:365 New Crayons!


I realized one of the reasons Corbin kept begging to go outside and crying pitifully when she couldn't (it's just TOO HOT in the middle of day here with ZERO shade in the back yard) was because she wanted to color! So we hopped in the car and went to CVS, where I picked up some washable crayons and a coloring book for my baby girl.

My Little Ponys! :)

She was super happy! And I taped the paper to the table so it wouldn't slide around. And we had fun naming colors together, too. <3

Also, did you know Corbin was a Picaso? Check our her work, replicated by daddy on the back door (hers is the bottom scribbles).

And so far the crayon diversion has been successful when she asks to go outside, so yay to preventing sunstroke! Seriously, it's hot!!

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