Wednesday, June 2, 2010

97:365 Beach Bums


First day of summer vacation and I spent it the best way possible...hitting the beach with my sister Brittney! I got up bright and early and the Corbs and I met up with her and we went to St. Simon's Island. It was such a beautiful day and YES, I remembered the sunscreen this time! :)

I really didn't take a ton of pictures, but I did get this one of me and Corbin hanging out on our beach towel, taking a break from running around (WHOO, she's a handful!)

Corbin did a lot of swimming. She likes holding on to a ring float and kicking her little legs around. I was so proud of her! I definitely need to get her a little ring float before we hit the pool again. She enjoyed the freedom of it, I think.

And this picture from later in the day just cracks me up because she was totally lounging on the couch, using Madison as a pillow! She frequently tries to use Winston as a chair, too!

Corbin is so much fun, haha.

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