Wednesday, June 9, 2010

106:365 Just Say No...


I recently bought some spaghetti-o's because I'm trying to find new things for Corbin to eat and I thought she might like them. I'm pretty sure this look says otherwise.

An epic battle raged between us!

A momentary stand-off.

But ultimately Corbin wins! She REFUSED to eat them, closing her eyes, shaking her head, ducking under the table, and pushing my hand away.

She did have a few bites right before Ryan started taking pictures, but she was being kinda moody that day, so I'm going to try again with the rest of them, lol. Oh well!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's so funny because my kids JUST started eating spaghettios. Alayna and Jacob were so adamant at first that I didn't buy any for a LONG time. I just tried again a month or so ago and now they love them. Silly kids! I tried again because I read "Eat This, Not That" for kids and they were one of the "good" foods. Ravioli not so much. Oh well. Good luck! She looks very determined! :)