Sunday, September 7, 2008

James P. Sullivan

When Ryan and I got married, we went to Disney World on our honeymoon, much to my delight, and much to his distress, I'm sure, lol. We only had about $65 for the entire trip as spending money, so we put almost all of that into buying some food so we could pack lunches while we were there and the rest went towards parking and gas. Even though we only had such a small amount of money, we still made the most of it and had a wonderful time together, and I ended up with one souvenir.

I got a stuffed version of Sulley and Mike from Monsters Inc., one of my favorite favorite favorite Disney movies (after Toy Story, of course). For a while I had them hidden away in the closet because Winston had taken an unhealthy interest in them, and I don't know if you guys are aware of the destructive capabilities of a Boston Terrier with a stuffed animal, but let's just say this was definitely for the best.

Flash forward almost two years, and someone finds out they are pregnant.

After getting the crib set up (a few months before Corbin was born, lol. Not sure why!), I put Sulley in Mike in the corner. They have been there since the day she came home from the hospital, just hanging out, being cute and fluffy and happy looking. And Corbin never paid them any mind. Until today.

So I'm sitting here at the computer, and all is quiet, and then I hear Corbin in her crib laughing. I peek up over the railing and I see that she has rolled over onto her belly, is facing the corner of the crib where the big blue stuffed monster is, and she is seriously giggling at him. I cracked up. She usually gets really cranky when she rolls over onto her belly, but I think today when she made her discovery, she was pleasantly surprised. Luckily, the camera was handy, so I grabbed it up and started filming. I need to get a bigger memory card, though, because I only got a few seconds of footage. Or maybe I should just get a real video camera! :P

So, without further ado, here's the video:

Heehee, I love my little girl. She cracks me up. I'm so glad that I had a day off and could finally spend some much needed time with her. :)


Jazzle49 said...

Corbin is such a cutie, and a brave one at that ... not even scared of monsters in her bed! Impressive!
Grandma Lewis :-)

Dommi said...

So cute!! I love how they start to notice things that have always been there <3

She's getting so big!! And she's getting really good at being on her tummy too! Max doesn't like tummy time and he doesn't really roll from his back to his tummy very often yet, but he does manage to get around somehow. I will put him in his bed and when I come back he is clear on the other side of where I had set him. lol

Can you believe how big our little babies are getting??!