I know I mentioned it a few posts back saying that Corbin hadn't got sick yet, and that I knew it was eventually coming...and sadly, it is here, and she has been pitiful.
Starting Friday night or so, she had this cough, but it sounded productive, so I wasn't too terribly worried. She didn't seem cranky at all and was just being her usual self. Saturday and Sunday, though, the cough got worse, and she was sleeping a lot more than usual. Last night she ended up sleeping in the bed with us because we were having to get up so much to check on her. She was having a hard time breathing because her nose was stopped up and she would just start babbling incessantly in her sleep and thrashing around. It was sad. :(
At around 5 this morning, I had to get out the bulb syringe, which she HATES. Anytime I've had to use it on her, she's screamed like it was the end of the world. But she couldn't breathe! What was I supposed to do?! So, I did what I had to do, and yes, she freaked out, but luckily Ryan was able to soothe her back to sleep.
And guess what? It made all the difference.
Slept like a baby. :)
HOWEVER, I did call Dr. Baker this morning and scheduled an appointment for this afternoon because she seemed to be running a slight fever when I got up to get ready for work and she ended up sleeping almost all day, only waking up to eat. I was able to get off work an hour early so we could go in, and he checked her out. Everything was fine, she just had a little bit of a viral cold, and he said it would probably pass quickly, and prescribed some baby cough medicine.
So yeah, my baby is sick, but I think she's getting better. Not quite as pitiful today, and Ryan and I were both laughing because the whole time Dr. Baker was in the room with us, she didn't cough one time. As soon as he left the room, she was barking up a lung. Silly baby. :)
And speaking of silly baby, here is a video of Corbin figuring out how to make herself swing, lol.
Alayna used to do that. Cough up a lung all day then be quiet as a mouse at Dr.Bakers. Little booger. My kiddos are sick too...no fun. I hope she feels better soon!
Oh, poor little Corbin! Maxwell had a little head cold already, but nothing other then being stuffed up with a little cough.
It's so cool that she's learned how to make the swing go =-)
We seriously do have little genius babies! <3
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