Thursday, July 31, 2008

Babies' Day Out

Well, mostly it was a day out for mommy since she is always stuck at home with Corbin! We met up with our friends Brianna and Annie, and Brianna's beautiful daughter, baby Tybee! Tybee was Corbin's very first friend!

Here are some pictures of Tybee helping me feed "Baba C." Corbin was so tiny back then! Still only eating two and three ounces in those days. :)

And so we walked around the mall here in Athens, just having fun taking a look at everything we couldn't afford but wanted to buy! Corbin was a little on the cranky side and I'm starting to suspect she's not 100% thrilled with her little pink stroller! Maybe she'd be more comfortable in the bigger one? I just don't want to haul the thing out of the house and stuff it into my car! The trunk is already full enough as it is! I guess we can try it out next time!

After a while, we ended up at Gymboree, the cutest store for children's clothing, albeit a little overpriced! I saw so many things that I wanted, but nothing was more adorable than the baby tutu! Although I can make Corbin a tutu myself, it just wouldn't be as neat and put together as this one, so I hope I can get it for her soon! I'd love to get her pictures made in it!

We also found an adorable kitty hat, and so we decided to use the girls as models of this ultra cute accessory.

Tybee was digging it, but I don't think Corbin was too thrilled!

Get this thing off of my head!

After this little fit, Annie took over and picked Corbi-lou up and administered the pacifier. Peace abruptly resumed. But that didn't mean she was out of modeling duty!

Soon it came time to say goodbye to our friends, but only for now! We look forward so much to the next time we get to see our friends Bri, Annie, and Tybee!


Anna said...

Aww, that kittie beenie was cute, so was the cowgirl hat. I hope you had fun on your day out; those are nice. Despite the risk of baby fussiness, I think those outings are worth it and the more you go out, the more you learn how to be prepared and the more your kid can get used to the world beyond your home. So yeah, hope you get to hang out with some girlies more often. :)

Tori said...

Oh yeah, we definitely try to get out with Corbin as much as possible, and she is usually VERY good in public, as long as she has on a clean diaper and isn't hungry or anything! I think it probably helps that we've been going out with her since the first week, instead of trying to keep her at home all the time while one of us goes out alone. We like being a family!

Dommi said...

What fun! she must have been tired when you got home! It's great that she is good in public. Maxwell loves going out and seeing new things and meeting new people. Tomarrow we might bring him with us to the movies. I'm not sure if we will end up taking him to his yaya and pop-pops to visit while we watch it or if we are ready to bring him. I can always feed him if he starts to fuss, but I'm still pretty awkward trying to feed him in public. I cover up really good and stuff, but it just feels weird. lol.