Monday, July 28, 2008

Making Monday Awesome!

Right now during the summer, I'm only scheduled for 3 shifts a week, and if one of my shifts happens to fall on a day when Ryan is working, I have to stay home with the baby (much easier for me to get off work at the last minute than him!). This morning I was kinda sad because it was very last notice that I couldn't go, but I couldn't stay sad for long with this beautiful face around!

Yes, I know what you're thinking. Why is she wearing a hat in July in Georgia?! My goodness, it is MORE than hot there!

I answer you this.

Not only was she wearing hats, but she was also sporting some very awesome mittens! (Thanks, Aunt Franki!)

Heehee, she looks like she's about to give me the ol' one-two. Okay, so maybe not. But she was in a good mood!

And okay, the reason she had on a hat and mittens is because earlier she fell asleep in her swing downstairs, and when she woke up, I noticed that her hands and toes were like ice! Now, I did put little booties on her feet, but she kept kicking them off, so I gave up after about three tries and just stuck with a blanket.

Later today, we delved into our current favorite book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone! I've been reading it to her since her first days home from the hospital, and today we are on chapter 7, The Sorting Hat! It's kind of exciting to be reading aloud. Almost makes me wish I was going to be teaching elementary age kids instead of high schoolers!


After reading, we spent a little tummy time on the bed. She really cracks me up. She usually doesn't like tummy time too much, but today she lasted for almost ten whole minutes without getting fussy!

Yes, it's a bit blurry, but she wouldn't hardly stay still! She was a little squirmy. And then she made a remarkable discovery...

It's much easier to eat her hands from this position! And boy did she go to town! She actually left a nice little drool spot on the mattress.

[Yes, the mattress. The sheets are in the dryer. I guess I could go and get them and put them back on the bed! It would be much nicer to sleep on!]

After a few minutes of gumming her arm, she decided that she'd like to sit up. But that didn't last too long before we had a major face-plant incident!

Disclaimer: No babies were harmed in the making of this photograph.

She just sat there until I picked her up! She cracks me up sometimes. It didn't even phase her.

After a few minutes, she became very cranky, so I had to convince her it was a good idea to take her paci and go down for a nap, where she still remains.

I really do have fun with my little baby girl, even though she's only three months old! It makes me excited to see what's to come when she begins to learn more and becomes more mobile! I think it's time to get her some new "moving" toys! We'll just have to see!

(Oh yeah and tomorrow I'll try to get some better quality pictures out of my camera! I can hardly ever find it when I need it and my camera phone is always handy, so I get some fun shots, but they are always so grainy!)

1 comment:

Dommi said...

I love reading about Corbin and how she's doing!! It's so fun to know someone who's baby is the same age as mine! I just wish we lived closer together so they could go on play dates!