Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Daddy's Girl

Corbin is such a daddy's girl, and I think I always knew it was going to be this way. She came out looking just like him! I can't complain though, because he made her very beautiful. I really love seeing them together, because she is always just so content when she's in his company. This morning she was in her crib being a little cranky (she was awake and wanted some attention), so I brought her over to the bed where she spent a few minutes with her daddy.


I'm pretty sure she was preparing to eat his finger here! lol

I think she's ready for her bath now! She was starting to smell (I think it was the poopy diaper)!

After her bath, we got all dried off in the crib and got on a clean diaper. While mommy was trying to decide what to dress Corbi-lou in, she snapped this picture of Corbin staring at her Hello Kitty mobile. She LOVES it. (Thanks Anna!) Every time she sees it, it's like the first time, and she gets all excited and starts kicking her legs and smiling. She talks to it sometimes, too. She's so silly.

Finally we decided on an outfit, one she hasn't worn before! It was hanging in the closet and it just looked perfect! Mommy loves those ruffly-butt outfits. :D I think Corbin liked it, too!

Then mommy got REALLY camera happy, but I think Corbin was just DONE smiling for the day! Now she's just going to look at me like I'm crazy!

Well. I had fun, and I'm sure she did, too. But the day has yet to really get started! See how much fun we can have in just an hour or two in the morning?

After a little playing around in Photoshop, mommy has a new portrait of Corbi-lou!

I hope you all enjoyed the better quality pictures today, 'cause I had fun taking them!


Anna said...

Those are such SWEET pictures!! She's so cute, Tori. And you're very welcome. ;)

Desiree said...

That little portrait is just lovely ^_^

Cleo said...

oh wow she is just so adorable :)

(this is Cleo_NZ btw :P)

Looks like so much fun :) I wanna be able to dress babies up!!