Sunday, July 27, 2008

Baby Likes Sushi!

Okay, so maybe Corbin doesn't like sushi, but her mommy sure does!

You know how they tell you not to eat sushi when you are pregnant? Well...I'm pretty sure I did at least once. Okay, maybe twice. >_> But it was good! And it was a reputable restaurant and not at a Chinese buffet, and it was also in moderation, and so far Corbin doesn't have any weird third eye or twelfth digit or anything, honest!

So we love Ru San's. I hear that it's not even the best sushi place in Athens, but that doesn't keep us from eating there at LEAST once a week! I'm pretty sure the reason I like the place so much is because I was SUPPOSED to not eat there for several months, and know what they say about absence and the heart and all that. :P

Today Corbin was visited by Papa and Grandma Lewis and we decided to go and have lunch at our favorite place! Not that they wanted to eat the sushi, but Ru San's serves other yummy delights, too!

As usual, mommy got the baked California roll, and daddy got the Tokusan. While we were waiting on our food, I tried to sneak in a picture of Corbin all sound asleep and cute in her carseat:

Now, while this picture was already extremely adorable, I decided to try and get a better shot, without the table in the way.

Oh no! The flash was too bright! She was trying to peep at me and then I struck her by surprise! I felt bad, but she just kind of looked at me for a minute (I'm sure she couldn't really see me...) and then went right back to sleep.

In fact, she's still asleep right now! Ah, so peaceful... [Oh no! I spoke too soon! I hear her stirring now! Awww...]

Speaking of sleep, she didn't wake up until around 7:30 this morning. Her early morning feeding has been getting later and later! I prefer 6:30 or 7:30 over 5-something any day! And she's been much happier this weekend, too! Maybe it was the anticipation of a trip to Ru San's that's had her in such a good mood! :D

1 comment:

ggg said...

her face in the second picture is priceless.