Saturday, July 26, 2008

Corbin - The First Three Months

Well I suppose I have a lot of catching up to do if I'm going to try and keep a daily blog of my darling Corbi-lou. I just want to start off by saying she is truly the best baby I could have ever hoped for! Not only is she incredibly beautiful, she is almost always happy (except when teething...but more on that later!). The first three months with her have flown by so quickly! I guess that's a good thing. :)

Let's start off with the day she was born. I went into labor on Saturday, April 19th, shortly after noon. I was having horrible cramps, but I really didn't think anything of it, since Corbin wasn't due for another three weeks! Then, at around 4:30pm, my water broke. I was on the phone with my family, as my little sister was getting ready to go to prom and I couldn't be there, and they were all occupied except for Franki. I was like, "OMG, I think my water broke!" And seriously, they did not believe me! Like that huge gushing was just my imagination! Ryan had actually just left to go to the laundromat, too, because we were like, "We should probably pack a hospital bag soon, just in case," and we didn't have any clean clothes! Eventually I made it to the hospital, and when I got there I was already 6cm. It didn't take long for me to reach 10cm, and I got my epidural. Around 9pm I started pushing, but this baby didn't want to come out! I pushed for three hours, and the last hour was pure misery, as my epidural wore off. Now I know what natural childbirth feels like! Corbin was finally born at 12:09 am on April 20th, weighing in at 7lbs, 5oz.

Me and Corbi-lou! She doesn't look too thrilled!

And here she is on her birthday, and my goodness does she have so much dark, dark hair! She was the most beautiful baby in the world. :) Didn't come out looking like an alien at all!

We were in the hospital until Monday afternoon, when we finally got to take our little baby home!

She was so tiny, she could barely fit in her newborn sized Pampers! This was our first day at home, and she was so good and so quiet, and she slept great in her crib! I couldn't be luckier!

Corbin a week old at my baby shower!

My first Mother's Day, also Corbin's due date, came and went. My mama gave me my baby book that she kept for me and it was really special. I hope to someday do the same for Corbin, as I've been working on her baby book since she was born and hope to fill the entire thing in! It's just so fun to look at.

Corbi-lou on Mother's Day.

One awesome thing about Corbin is that she has always slept like a champ. Now, at three months old, she is almost always sleeping through the night, waking up around 5:30 to 6:30 to eat and then promptly going right back to sleep! Here are some pictures of her sleeping:

[That last one was from Father's Day! Isn't she precious?]

On May 20th, Corbin turned one month old, and she had grown a ton!

When Corbin was two months old, she had to get her first set of shots! I was a nervous wreck because I knew she was going to cry and I didn't want to go to the doctor with her alone! BUT, I did what I had to do and to make myself feel better, I put bows in her hair.

Yes, at two months old, her hair was too long for the faux-hawk and long enough for hair bows! And she looked so happy before her shots, too:

And her shots actually went really well! She cried for a minute or so, then took a bottle and some baby Tylenol, and went right to sleep. She slept for most of the day, and when she woke up later, she was a little cranky, but nothing we couldn't handle. She went to sleep like she normally did and the next day she acted as though nothing was wrong!

This past month has been the most fun. She has become very smiley and also very vocal. When I get up with her in the mornings, she's just talking to me like crazy. She's also become so much more alert and aware, and I can see her following me around the room with her eyes and really studying her hands and feet. She also has taken more interest in her mobile that hangs over her crib and gets really excited when I turn it on.

Here are some pictures of Corbin and her beautiful smile:

But with all the good and fun things this month, also comes some of the bad! Because Corbin started teething veeery early, just like I did when I was a baby. Most of the time she is okay, but she has fits of crankiness in which there is no soothing her. Ryan will give her a knuckle and sometimes that helps, but so far teething rings haven't interested her. Hopefully it wont be much longer before those first teeth cut in!

Oh, and did I mention Corbin has style?

I didn't mean to match her outfit to her stroller, but it happened! Pink is totally her favorite color, haha.

I guess that's all for now, but check back on the daily for more about Corbin and hopefully lots of good pictures!


ggg said...

i'm not sure how i feel about the pink outfit AND the pink stroller. haha.

Deborah said...

Tori this is a pain in the but just to leave a comment about how cute my grandbaby the pic of her looking at you like you are crazy looks just like ryan...she is so cute. bring her home soon love you mama