Saturday, July 26, 2008

What's the opposite of the tooth fairy?

We all know the tooth fairy...the sweet ethereal creature who comes and takes all your baby teeth away, leaving money under your pillow. What I want to know is who is the hideous monster, the harbinger of pain and suffering, who is responsible for growing teeth?

Yesterday Corbin had one of those screaming crying fits that freaked me out a little bit. She was just screaming. Literally. It was her teeth! I wish so much that they would just cut through already! Most of the time she deals with teething okay, but

The worst part of it is that we weren't at home...we were at some friends' house...and I just felt like we were intruding so much! They don't want to hear our screaming baby! Ryan took control and gave her the knuckle. She was biting down hard on it, but still crying. We actually laughed at how ridiculous she was being. I decided to run to Walmart and get some Baby Orajel. By the time I got back, she was quiet, but I put some on her gums anyway.

After that, it was like a totally new baby! She fell asleep in the car on the way home and was out until almost 7am this morning. It was crazy!

And oh my gosh, really...she is growing way too fast! Yesterday I broke out some of her clothes that she got at the baby shower that were 3-6 months size...and they fit her! It was bittersweet because she is growing up so fast...and she gets to wear new clothes! Yay for new clothes! I really have to stop myself from constantly picking up things for her, but it's hard! Everything is just so cute!

Here are some pictures of her and daddy yesterday:

I love the little moo-cow on her shirt!

I love them so much. Seeing them together melts my heart.

Speaking of melting my heart, Corbi-lou is kicking me in the leg and everytime I look at her she gives me the biggest grin! I think I'm going to go read to her for a bit.

Until next time!


Anna said...

Yaaaay! I'm glad you have a Blogger blog; I like vox but I just got lazy with copying everything from my blogger to vox and yeah ... anyway, I read your whole blog so far. Corbin is so cute. I'm glad she's been a good sleeper for you guys. Aaron was good up until he turned a month and he's been a challenge to put down at night. We've been letting him 'cry it out' but he just rests for about 5 minutes and then starts up again. Oi ... last night that lasted for over two hours. I don't know what to do but I guess if nothing else, it'll just take time for him to learn, right? Well, good luck with the teething issue. (I'm trying to not think about that right now, one issue at a time).

Tori said...

Does he not take a pacifier? I know that ours is truly a life-saver! It's a pacimals pacifier (google it) and it's seriously the only one she'll take, but usually she's really good about it! I know that when Corbin is fussy, I take her in one arm and kind of swing her around a bit and say SHHH really loud and sometimes sing and that will help. Don't know what you've tried and what you haven't so I'm just sharing what's worked for me! Also she liked being swaddled when she was a lot younger, too. OH yeah, another thing that works so well sometimes is to put her in her bouncy chair at my feet and then just push it with my foot and it bounces her right to sleep! I do this early in the morning when I want to go back to sleep but she wants to be awake!