Corbin is six months old and I can hardly believe it, yet I can see her growing and developing right before my eyes every single day. I have been very busy with work and so I really don't spend as much time blogging about her as I'd like, but I definitely have to showcase a few events from the past month.
First of all, Corbin met Aaron. Aaron is my best friend from high school's baby boy, who was born in June and is a little less than two months younger than Corbin. It was fun to be able to see him (and Anna, of course!), because I know I wont see him much as he's growing up. He looks just like Ben to me! He was definitely a chunk. I wish I could have spent more time with them!
Here are the babies looking at me like I'm crazy:

The funniest thing to me was that Corbin is an obsessive roller-overer (totally not a word, lol), and so towards the end of our little photoshoot, she decided it was a good idea to do just that...right on top of poor little Aaron. I think he was getting a little frustrated!

He seems a little confused, but he quickly shows his disdain!

And Corbin seems to back off, but not without a little bit of her shrill yelling she does all the time. Especially in public, lol.

In my opinion, the BIGGEST accomplishment of the month, is this:

This is a huge deal! She can hold her own bottle now! Holy moley. Now we she decides that she's hungry right as soon as I'm about to eat, I can still feed her and feed myself, too! How convenient. :) Now everyone is happy.
And, like I said earlier, she's an obsessive roller-overer. She just does it constantly. And I've started giving her baths in the regular tub lately and I always sit RIGHT OVER HER the whole time, and sometimes I even just get in the tub with her. Last night, however, I leaned over to get the towel ready (seriously took me less than a second, as it was already sitting right there), and she ROLLED OVER IN THE TUB.
She was fine, obviously, but it still scared me, and I think it scared her a little bit, too. But she quickly forgot, because then we had fun putting on our pajamas (while singing "It's fun to put on your pajamas"'s a Yo Gabba Gabba thing). I have been having a lot of fun bathing her lately because she gets really REALLY excited about splashing. She kicks her little legs so hard and just propels herself from one end of the tub to the other. She is just laughing and giggling and it is more than contagious. She's such a sweetie.
Tomorrow we have our six month check-up and second doctor's visit with Dr. Baker. I'm thinking all will be well, but I'm not looking forward to the shots, obviously! I guess we are also lucky that Corbin hasn't been sick yet *knock on wood*, but I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing! She has to build up immunity eventually!
Anywho, it's time for me to go to bed (finally got Corbin down just a few minutes ago), but look forward to a Halloween photoshoot, because you can bet it's coming soon!
OH YES AND I ALMOST FORGOT...I entered Corbin in a BabyGap casting call...not sure if that will ever lead to anything, but I thought it was worth a shot...I mean, she is the most beautiful baby in the whole entire world. :P No, I'm not biased, not one bit!