It was awful.
This time we were prepared and already had a bottle ready to go, since that soothes her very quickly. One of her shots was a flu shot. She has to go back and get the second in the series in a month, which is sad, but at least she'll be taken care of for flu season! That's one less thing that I'll have to worry about thankfully!
Corbin was also weighed and measured, and this month she was 27 inches long, which is in the 97th percentile for her age (which means she's measuring what is average for a nine month old...very long baby girl!) and she's weighing in at 15 pounds 14 ounces, which is average for a six month old. Very healthy! Dr. Baker cracks me up, though, because he kept telling us that she was perfect and that we did a great job with her and stuff. I think he probably tells that to all of his patients!
Anywho, here is the picture that I promised!
Heehee, her little tongue cracks me up.
And okay, I have two pictures. :P
I love this one! She can manipulate her own paci very well, and instead of sticking it in her mouth, I usually just hand it to her and let her practice doing it herself. She likes to stick her thumb down inside of it while it's in her mouth. She's pretty good at sucking her thumb. She also will suck on clothes and shoes if I'm not watching her! One day I was sitting on the floor with her after I had changed her and I was looking up at the television and then I look at her and she just had a mouthful of my pajamas. She's so silly.
She's started doing the WEIRDEST thing this week!
Seriously, she goes GRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRR! When she's being fed or held or when is getting a little angry, she starts growling! We just crack up every time! I'm still trying to figure out where she picked that up from!
Well, tomorrow is Halloween, so expect lots of pictures over the weekend! Big day planned, hopefully! :D