That doesn't mean she's been missing out on yummy food, though! She is very persistent about trying whatever we're having, even if it's not baby appropriate!
She seems to love cookies. A LOT. Even the not-baby kind.
Like Oreos. :)
And she's super mobile now! She's here, there, and everywhere, and everything goes right in her mouth! She does not discriminate! She takes to following me and Ryan around the house, and she always comes and finds us. Yesterday I was in the bathroom getting ready and she found HERSELF! It seemed like a pleasant surprise, as she spent the next five minutes in there laughing insanely at herself!
Life is so much fun with our little Corbi-lou. And here it is, the day before Christmas Eve! I'm so excited for our first Christmas! I think it's going to be a good one!
Happy Holidays! :D