[Pre-bath picture...she was looking pretty gross! Heehee.]
I haven't updated in almost a month! I guess it's needless to say that Corbin had a great Christmas and she got a TON of toys. She has her favorites, which is fun, but we now have a huge Rubbermaid tub full of baby toys. She can also pull herself up to standing on any and everything, and will proceed to do so with her toy box, and rummage through it and pull out what she wants.
She also likes to pull laundry out of clothes baskets.
Or things out of my purse. Just the other day she had my wallet and was waving it around, screaming. I think she was upset that there was nothing of use inside!
Tomorrow Corbin will be nine months old. Time is FLYING! I have lately found myself going back and looking at pictures of her when she was three months old, and it's so neat to see her little face growing and changing. She still looks way too much like her daddy, but I can see a little bit of me in there, too! Her personality is also developing rapidly, and she is a sassy little thing!
To catch up a bit from Christmas until now, I present a plethora of CUTE PICTURES! :D
Corbin got a ton of toys for Christmas. This was at Ryan's parents', where we spent Christmas morning. I like putting the bows on her head!
This is probably my favorite picture of her in her Christmas dress!
She was tired and ill, but this picture is hilarious because she looks like she is very unhappy about the toy she just received!
She doesn't seem to like crawling if there isn't carpet, so she does this weird "monkey crawl" so her knees aren't touching the ground!

My other children, Winston and Madison, cozied up on my mama's couch.

Naked bath picture! These are always classy, heehee.
So my niece, Allison, was VERY interested in watching Madison drink from this bowl of water...
...and I guess she decided to see what was so good about it! Am I evil for NOT stopping this from happening and taking a picture instead?
The two of them are very into each other. Here, they share their toys. Aw. :)
Allison came over one night and started asking where the baby was. She quickly found Corbin asleep on the couch and decided to join her.
Trouble in the making.
They already look guilty! It's going to be interesting to see the two of them grow up together!
Well, I guess that's all for now! I'll try to be better about updates, because Corbin is so fun and spunky and I like to share her life with everyone! <3