After her lunch, I ran upstairs and drew a bath, placing the Bath Buddies all over the wall of the tub, thinking she'd be thrilled when she got up there!
Wow, I was so mistaken! She's going through her "scaredy cat" phase, and so she FREAKED OUT when she saw them in there! She stayed up against the side of the tub and whined and cried the whole time. No amount of coaxing could get her to move or get closer to them. Finally I had to put them all down in the water and let her play with them so she was okay and she could finish her bath.
Maybe another time? And maybe I'll only put one or two in there instead of all 21. Might be a little less overwhelming. :)
We had a great day, despite the terrors of the bath. We went to Athfest and walked around for a bit and then we had some shopping fun at Publix. I love my happy little girl. :D
Her hair is getting way too long to leave in her face, so sassy side ponytail it is!
Oh, and as for an actual product review: These Bath Buddies are AWESOME! They are vinyl on some kind of foam, and when they get wet, they just stick to the walls of the tub. They are also very big and colorful. Definitely worth the $11 on Amazon! :)