On Labor Day, we spent the day with my two older sisters Aprill and Brittney (it was her birthday) and their kids and headed to Fort Stewart's skating rink for some fun. It was the first time I had put on my skates since I quit roller derby two years ago. I was also excited about letting Corbin try skating for the first time, but I think that was a bust!
First of all, they didn't have baby-sized skates. The smallest pair they had were an 8, and Corbin is barely a 4. (She doesn't wear shoes very often, so I'm never sure exactly what size she is!) The skates were heavy and she refused to try to stand up in them! At least I made an attempt, right?
And of course I took pictures! :)
These skates are eating my feet!

Trying to stand up with daddy's help.

"Skating around." Also, the ever-present paci is a sure sign that this baby is ready for a nap!

I don't think she's enjoying this much at all, lol.

Please, just let me sit down!

Don't stop, don't give up!

Mommy takes her out onto the rink!

The most "skating" she did the whole day. It was hard on my back!

Okay, it's over! It was much easier to just carry her, but that's considered dangerous when you're on wheels!

She still had a blast, though. She hung out in her stroller, did some rock climbing with her cousins (aka played on the safety mat), played some pool, did some kick ball (which was the MOST FUN of the entire day, wow!), and finally got to go home and take a delicious nap.
What a day! We'll definitely trying skating again in a year or so. I think she'll be ready then! ;)