Money is really tight this year, but I did manage to get Corbin her gift from mama. Let me just say I really love Barnes and Noble and my educator discount. :)
She will be getting her very own "Aye-yah" plush and Christmas book:

The plush was $35 plus shipping on, but they had it our "local" (I had to drive all the way to Savannah, haha) B&N and I got it for $10! :D Yay savings!

And then the Olivia Christmas book. I thought it was fitting. :)
It's a relief to have that out of the way because apparently the mall around here gets REALLY crazy around Christmas since it's the only one for MILES AND MILES. We still have to ger her present from daddy, but I hope we can get that over with soon, too! :)
So yay for Olivia! :) She was really excited when she saw the plush and book, so I can't wait for her to open them on Christmas morning!
ALSO, I'm embarking on a quest to knit Corbin a Christmas stocking. Wish me luck, har har har. Reading this pattern is like trying to interpret Japanese kanji!!!