Sunday, October 17, 2010


SO! The costume is (mostly) assembled! With the help of a fellow teacher/sewer/mother, I have made the shirt and dress. They are by no means perfect, but I think for my first foray into sewing, they are magnificent!

The dress and shirt, before adding buttons. And there's supposed to be a pocket, but I'm beginning to feel it's not worth it, so I think we'll go without!

Corbi-lou in her costume! I think she really likes it! :)

And imagine red and white tights instead of black, because that's what she'll be wearing!

And so now I just have to make the ears, and I'm REALLY hoping that's the easy part! We'll see! Can't wait until Halloween! :D

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's Almost Halloween...

So I just noticed that I haven't posted here in two months. Please forgive me. I will eventually get this show back on the road, but I let myself get overwhelmed and so now I'm occupied with other things and this has been pushed to the wayside for the time being. ALL IN GOOD TIME, my friends.


It's that time of the year. MY FAVORITE TIME OF THE YEAR. I love October, and I absolutely LOVE Halloween. Now that I have a kid, I get to dress her up and take her trick-or-treating and it's so AWESOME!! So Corbin's first Halloween, she was as cute as a pumpkin...

...and last year she was the fair and beautiful Snow White.

THIS YEAR, however...I'm making her costume by hand. And I give you...



So yes, we're going to be Olivia the pig this year. I'm going to be making the shirt (because I can't find one anywhere that doesn't cost an arm and a leg *coughAmericanApparelcough*) and the red dress. And the ears. Can't forget the ears!! I ordered the tights today (yay free shipping and 10% off at, so I'm not backing down or copping out! I've been putting off making the costume because I was scared to commit to making something by hand, but in the spirit of Halloween and all future Halloweens, it's time to get started!! I solemnly vow from here on out, Corbin will have the coolest costumes of all time because I WILL be making them.


I'll let you know how it goes! Don't worry, I WILL post pictures! :D