This year the holidays are way more exciting because Corbin really understands what's going on, and she knows that when Nick Jr. starts playing the "I Only Want a Candy Cane This Year" song and segment and the Christmas episode of Yo Gabba Gabba, it's time for the holidays!
Over the weekend we put up our fake tree, but I wasn't quite ready to decorate. I had to rearrange the room quite a bit before deciding where I wanted everything to be. By the time everything was just so, it was well past Corbin's bedtime. She REALLY wanted to decorate the tree, so she had an extremely fretful fit in which she pretty much cried herself to sleep. I made her a promise that as soon as she woke up, we would decorate the tree together.
Guess who met me in my bedroom bright and early Sunday morning?
I let Corbin do all the decorating herself. It was pretty interesting.

She put most of the decorations in one big clump in the middle of the tree.

As you can see here. :)

Freedom of expression and all that. The distribution cracks me up, especially since she did put some random ornaments around the back side of the tree.

So here's our tree! I did rearrange the ornmaments just a bit so that things looked more even and dispersed, but Corbin did most of the work. My little girl is growing so fast! And so far this year, she hasn't ripped into any of her presents. ;)