Sunday, April 28, 2013

Fifth Birthday Party Shenaningans

All Corbin wanted for her birthday was a piñata. She had a blast as family and friends came out to celebrate her big day (and eat delicious cake). She later told us it was "the best birthday ever." Thanks to everyone who helped us make sure it was a day to remember. :)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Check Up!

Corbin for her annual check-ups at three, four, and five. She is still in the 90th percentile for height! She has always been so tall. :)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Five Years Old

Yesterday my baby girl turned five. Five years that have totally flown by and completely blown me away. I just don't know if I could gush enough about this wonderful girl that brightens our lives every day. She is vivacious, intelligent, clever, absolutely silly, curious, artistic, and so, so beautiful. Every day that goes by is another day that I'm proud to be her mom. It's not always easy: she is as stubborn and hot-tempered as she can possibly be, but I love it. She looks just like her daddy, but acts just like her mama. I would not have her any other way.

Tonight I cuddled up with her in bed after story time and we just talked. Mostly she talked about her ambitions of being on Hole in the Wall and I just listened, but it was amazing. As she closed her eyes and settled in to sleep, she threw her arm over me and snuggled up real close. It was such a perfect moment for me. I know I've said it before and I know I'll say it again, but I LOVE being her mom.

Happy Birthday, Corbi-lou. <3