Holy moly. My last update was about oh...a year ago?!
So...time flies when you're having fun, right?! A much needed update on the Beans is in order!
This year we started Kindergarten at FLE! Here she is with her daddy on her first day of school, wearing her school uniform. She was super excited!
First day of school! Daddy went back to school this year, too. |
Along with uniforms this year, we also realized that we needed glasses!
Rocking the glasses in true Corbin fashion! |
Snuggles with Sprinkles. |
Kindergarten had its ups and downs, but mostly ups! Corbin was nominated for placement in the gifted and talented program and after a battery of testing, she made it in! I am so excited for her because my gifted classes were a huge part of my life and I hope that she enjoys the program as much as I did!
Just call her "jazzy." |
Too happy! |
Her 6th birthday was on Easter Sunday this year. Can't believe that she is really six years old...she is growing up to be so beautiful and amazing; I'm truly proud to be her mother.
Birthday girl! |
Showing some serious sass (she has plenty of it). |
Time to blow out the candles! |
Birthday party Easter egg hunt! Barefoot, of course! |
Just like
in years past, I took the check-up photo. I love this picture so much because she came up with the pose all by herself.
Heart hands! |
And just for fun, because I am in awe of how much she has grown over the years, I made a collage of all of her birthdays. It really blows my mind!
Beautiful Beans. |
Also during this time, we got a new puppy, Clover! She is a Boston Terrier like Winston and Madison and she is craaaaazy energetic! Life is pretty awesome these days! Definitely looking forward to the upcoming summer break!
Until next time!