We realized something was up last Tuesday when she woke up completely whiny and refusing to eat much of anything. We thought that perhaps she was teething or maybe just a bit constipated. Ryan ventured out that evening and got some apple juice, which we gave to her Wednesday morning.
I guess the juice worked?! Trying not to be too graphic, but Corbin had stomach issues from Wednesday up until this morning, and they are finally tapering off. She screamed and cried every time she went to the bathroom, she refused to touch any sort of food, and she had a fever every few hours. When I woke up on Christmas Eve with her before 8am (very unusual for her to be up that early), and she was running a fever, I called her pediatrician and took her in.
She went through five containers of Pedialyte over the last few days. She also ate a few crackers here and there, too. It wasn't until Sunday that she really started eating any sort of food, and only a little of that. She had some chicken nuggets and fries. And how many diapers did she go through? Let's just say that I packed enough to last our entire five day trip and then some and I was completely out by Friday (we left Thursday afternoon). I also had to change her pajamas almost every single time she went to the bathroom, and she didn't get to wear her Christmas dresses at all.
As for her sleeping habits, they were nonexistent while she was sick. She was up every few hours screaming and crying, almost inconsolable. Add to this that on Saturday she chewed the end off of her pacifier and refused any of the others that we tried to give her (I ordered her some Pacifiers from Pacimals the Friday before, but they didn't arrive before we left on Thursday). I ended up driving to Americus at 1am (which was over half an hour away) to find a Walmart to buy those Soothie pacifiers that look like the Pacimals one, but she still refused it. It was utterly exhausting and I am surprised by my patience in the whole matter. I guess I wanted more than anything for my baby to feel better.
The best and most relieving moments were when she finally gave in and just let herself sleep:

Christmas morning, playing with Christmas bows:

Checking out her Olivia book (it's so cute):

And then the crying commenced! Mood swings!

After lots of hard work, I finally managed to get her down for a nap. Doesn't she look so peaceful?

Small victory! She was eating crackers! (Although I'm not sure if those are the same crackers she ended up sleeping with?)

And after a particularly rough Saturday night without her pacifier, on Sunday afternoon she finally conked out in Grandmother's arms.

So definitely not the Christmas I envisioned, full of smiling babies in overly adorable Christmas dresses, but my baby girl still had a good time. She got lots of books which she is thrilled with, and Santa was very good to her.
And yes, she's feeling much better today. She's had fish sticks, sweet peas, and macaroni and cheese, and she's been happy and singing all day long. :)
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