October seemed to take FOREVER to arrive, and then the end of the month even longer!! But finally, it was the day of the big show. Even though our trip was only supposed to take 2 hours, I wanted to leave with plenty of time to spare, and get out of the door by 7:30am. HOWEVER, when it came time to leave, my car had a nail in the tire!!! We rushed to Walmart and got it patched, but we didn't get out of town until around 9am. Needless to say, I was FREAKING OUT and hoping we could get there on time!
When we arrived at the venue, we couldn't find parking, so Corbin and I ran inside while Ryan drove around to find a spot before joining us. We got inside the auditorium and into our [super awesome] seats just as the show was starting! At first Corbin seemed really shy and shocked, but it wasn't long before she was totally into it! We had a blast!
And I took a TON of pictures. Like, over 100. But here are some of my favorites:

Balloons to cheer up Brobee! And after this song, they dropped balloons on everyone. Corbin was more than thrilled!

During Intermission with her DJ Lance glasses.

Corbi-lou and her daddy, enjoying themselves.

Me and my baby girl! I was totally wearing my Brobee "Party in my Tummy" shirt! :)

The popping bubbles song! The bubbles were everywhere, and it was awesome!

The Dancey-Dance crew doing the Peanut Butter Stomp. I didn't know who these people were but just recently saw them on an episode of Yo Gabba Gabba that I hadn't ever caught before! Cool stuff!

Biz's Beat of the Day!! He came out and did his thing, pulling some kids up on stage to beat box with him. Fun times!

Hugs are Fun! Such a fun song! I liked the cartoon demonstrations in the background.

EVERYONE'S FAVORITE SONG: THERE'S A PARTY IN MY TUMMY! It was definitely my favorite part!

Do carrots and green beans want to go to the party in the tummy? (Of course they do!)

All the food dancing around after sliding down onto the stage. Fun times!

The goodbye song! (Of course Toodee was sad!)

DJ Lance closing them all up in the boombox. Nooooo...the show is over!!!

Corbin soon afterwards. Man, she was wiped out!

Overall, I'm not gonna lie, I think it was the best show I've ever been to. We sang all the songs, danced all the dances, participated in all the yelling and fun, and it was an absolute BLAST!!! Well worth the money and the trip to see Corbin (and me and Ryan) have so much fun! If you don't believe me, check out all the celebrities who were sighted at the L.A. show in California!! YGG is undeniable. :)