Sunday, August 15, 2010

139:365 The Rusty Look


This look should be trademarked. It's definitely an Owens characteristic, first witnessed in my baby sister Ashley when she was younger, and now I've seen a recurrence in my own baby girl! She may not look like me, but this look definitely came from my dad!

And please, check out the crazy get-up. She styled herself, lol. And she seems to think the headband goes better this way, haha.

LATER THAT DAY...there seems to be a mess of shredded toilet paper on the couch...who could have done it?!

We're innocent! Look at those puppy dog eyes!

She looks so guilty, doesn't she? And she doesn't seem to care, either, haha.

No flash photography, please! But the crime has already been caught on camera!

Ah well. Could have been worse, I'm sure. :)

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