Saturday, February 27, 2010

6:365 Scribbles

Sorry, this is a day late, and I'm even more sorry that it's a highly-edited camera phone shot! These are from yesterday while I was at work. After getting off work, I came home in the afternoon and fell asleep on the couch. Shortly after waking up and having a bite to eat, I came down with "the plague." Ryan had it the night before, so I had a feeling it was coming! It's the worst stomach bug I've ever experienced, I swear! I'm feeling a little better now (finally), and I'm hoping to be feeling like myself again tomorrow.

Anywho, day six!

Earlier this week we got Corbin some crayons, a coloring book, and some sidewalk chalk. She's been trying to draw on every book we have, so I thought this would be right up her alley. Ryan had her out on the back patio yesterday and from the looks of the pictures he took on his phone, she had a blast. Here's one more:

Little artist in the making!

And today's pictures (whenever I get them up) are more sidewalk chalk pictures, but at least this time I managed to get out my own camera! This child loves to be outside so much. I think earlier today I caught her attempting to escape out the back door! And that's why it's always kept locked. :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

5:365 Genes

Took me forever to come up with the title for this picture, but I think the photograph sort of speaks for itself. :)

The picture was really dark, so I had to do a TON of editing to get a decent picture out of it, but I think I'm pretty happy with it. Aren't they so adorable together? :)

Two outtakes:

Corbin and Toodee hanging out watching Yo Gabba Gabba.

Another picture of daddy-daughter time.

Has it really been five days already?! Yay for tomorrow being Friday! :D

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

4:365 Yum!

Today when I got home from work, Corbin was hanging out in her high chair, pretending to eat lunch. She hasn't been feeling too hot for the last two days, so her appetite has been diminished. It seems as though she really enjoyed some peanut butter, though!

We're really hoping that she's just sick and that her temperament isn't because of the bite on her arm (which really doesn't look any better), but I can't help but worry. She cried and cried today, and I couldn't figure out why. We finally gave her some baby Tylenol and she calmed down significantly. I hope she feels better soon!

A few outtakes, after she was bathed and all that peanut butter was washed down the drain:

She sort of flipped out a bit when I put her in the tub, but spending some vanity time in the mirror seemed to curb the whining a bit. She loves to watch herself make faces, lol.

She's so enthralled with her new Nihao, Kai-lan coloring book. We also got her some toddler crayons, and she seems to like those.

My baby, the book worm. She hardly ever plays with toys. She's always flipping through her books.

Speaking of books, her Olivia book is in several pieces and yet she still takes to carrying it around.

I think for her birthday she'll be getting a new copy of her Olivia board book. :)

Well, it's time for me to put whiny butt to sleep. (She's singing the Yo Gabba Gabba theme again, haha). Later!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

3:365 Gentle Sway

Apparently the nice weather we've been experiencing for the past few days is coming to an end and it's going to be cold and freezing temperatures, just as February should be. We took advantage of some of this beautiful Tuesday's last remaining rays out on Corbin's swing in the back yard.

We bought this swing for Corbin's first birthday back in April, but we were finally able to put it up once we moved down here to Hinesville. She loves hanging out there, and could sit contentedly for hours, swaying gently.

I took way too many pictures today, so enjoy my out-take overload. :)

Me and the Corbs after school today. She's been kinda cranky, and I'm guessing it's because of the spider bite on her arm. Ryan took her to the doctor this morning and they gave her some antibacterial ointment, so hopefully that'll clear on up soon.

She looks like a little tomboy today. :)

This picture was Ryan's favorite and we had a hard time choosing between the two. Take a look at the original size for the full effect.

Yes, my child has an addiction to the pacifier! She was constantly switching between the two while I was taking pictures!

Pacifiers. Srs biznss.

She was whining because I took the pacis. Ryan says her mouth looks kinda like a gaping black hole without her pacifier, haha.

Love this picture, even though it ended up blurry. She constantly makes me smile.

She was singing the whole time she was swinging. Lately she's taken to singing the Yo Gabba Gabba theme song, complete with intros. If you've seen the theme song, you know what I'm talking about. She'll say, "Foofa! Weeeyaaaa! mumble mumble mumble Brobee! Whoooooaaa! mumble green mumble Tootie!! Whooo whooo! mumble mumble Plex! Whoooaaaaaa mumble mumble Gabba Gabba!" Okay, maybe not so funny with me typing it out, but I seriously crack up every time!

Monday, February 22, 2010

2:365 Strollin'

Ryan and I started a running program at the end of December called Couch to 5k, and we've had huge success in the past two months! Since we were both running together at the same time, we would take turns pushing Corbin in her giant stroller around the neighborhood. I searched Craigslist high and low, hoping to find a jogging stroller, and lo and behold, a couple of Sundays ago, I found one listed locally for $30!

I went and purchased it the very next day, and I'm glad I did, because the lady had received 14 other emails besides mine! Now we run in style!

Corbin has lately refused naps except for when she's in her stroller and we're running. As soon as we unfold the stroller and get ready to strap her in, she starts singing "naaaap time, naaaap time" which is the song we sing to her when we put her to bed. It's hilarious.

Anywho, here's Corbin kicking her foot up at me at the end of our run, peeking out from behind her blanket:

This was an accidental shot, and I love how only her foot is in focus! And for today's outtake:

She's such a cutie. :) I'm glad we get to spend time together being healthy and active. And the 19 pounds I've lost doesn't hurt, either! :D

Sunday, February 21, 2010

1:365 - Sandbox!

Like I said in the last post, in an effort to blog more regularly, I'm going to be doing a Corbi-lou 365. I might not post every single day, but I will take pictures for every day, with today being day one! :)

Day 1 - Sandbox!

It was a beautiful sunny day here in Hinesville, GA, and we took full advantage of the sunshine and warmth by spending some time in the sandbox with Muno, Foofa, and Plex. :)

I even took advantage of the warmth by trying to get some sun on my pale legs and shoulders! I have to be ready for spring and summer, right? Yes, I know it's still February, but it never hurts to plan ahead!

So one picture every day for the next year. And you know me, I take tons of pictures, and therefore I have quite a handful of outtakes for the day. Enjoy! :)

See you tomorrow! ;)

Happiest Place on Earth

I think Corbin discovered her happy place on Friday at this place in the Savannah Mall called Skukuzoo. It's a giant playground/putt-putt jungle-themed play land where my sister Brittney decided to have a family gathering in honor of my nephew's birthday. Noah turned 8 on Friday, which is hard to believe, but then again, Corbin is about to be 2!!

Corbin's favorite place in the whole area was a bouncy ball pit in the toddler area, where she found herself swimming in multi-colored smiley faces! I haven't seen her so thrilled or entertained in a long time. Definitely worth the $3.21 admission! Of course you know I took TONS of pictures, and here are some of my favorites. :)

Corbin and my Pink Ranger toy from the mid-90's. I found it at my mom's a few weeks ago and she has been carrying it around ever since. She's got great taste. :)

Happy child, swimming around!

Okay, mom, I'll sit still long enough for you to take a picture! Sheesh!

Total bliss.


My favorite. She looks like she's trying to model, haha.

She just could not be happier!

We don't frequent the Savannah Mall very often unless I'm going to Target, but when we do, we'll definitely have to make time for Skukuzoo. :)

More birthdays coming up soon! Ryan's birthday is the 3rd of March, and Allison, my niece, will be 3 on the 8th! And before I know it, my own baby girl is going to be celebrating her big day! Time flies!!


I've decided that I need to blog more about Miss Corbi-lou, and so I'm going to be a 365 project just for her. I'm going to take at least one picture every single day for a year, and I started today! Look for some pictures coming this afternoon! :)