We bought this swing for Corbin's first birthday back in April, but we were finally able to put it up once we moved down here to Hinesville. She loves hanging out there, and could sit contentedly for hours, swaying gently.
I took way too many pictures today, so enjoy my out-take overload. :)

She looks like a little tomboy today. :)

This picture was Ryan's favorite and we had a hard time choosing between the two. Take a look at the original size for the full effect.

Yes, my child has an addiction to the pacifier! She was constantly switching between the two while I was taking pictures!

Pacifiers. Srs biznss.

She was whining because I took the pacis. Ryan says her mouth looks kinda like a gaping black hole without her pacifier, haha.

Love this picture, even though it ended up blurry. She constantly makes me smile.

She was singing the whole time she was swinging. Lately she's taken to singing the Yo Gabba Gabba theme song, complete with intros. If you've seen the theme song, you know what I'm talking about. She'll say, "Foofa! Weeeyaaaa! mumble mumble mumble Brobee! Whoooooaaa! mumble green mumble Tootie!! Whooo whooo! mumble mumble Plex! Whoooaaaaaa mumble mumble Gabba Gabba!" Okay, maybe not so funny with me typing it out, but I seriously crack up every time!
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