So this first entry is from LAST THURSDAY (yeah, yeah, I know... :P), and this is the aftermath of Corbin's dinner. She has a tendency to throw her food overboard when she's finished eating, and I guess it's because she knows the dogs are going to eat it. She also likes to "sprinkle" her food, and I gave her some cornbread, and so I'm sure you can imagine the mess she made, right?

And despite what you all may think, Corbin really does like sweet peas! They are some of the only green vegetables the child will eat! I think she's going through picky-eater toddler phase. Chicken nuggets, fish sticks, and hot dogs. That's about it, lol.
Outtakes, of course!

Who me?

Also skilled at messing up clean laundry piles as she runs around the living room with her basket over her head.

My child, a true basket case. ;)

Okay, so look out for a bunch more posts today! Sorry for the overload. :D
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