So yes, that happened today. On recommendation by Sarah (THANK YOU!), I called Dr. Baker yesterday to try to set up and appointment to get Corbin in to meet him and get her next set of shots. Awesomely enough, they were able to schedule me an appointment for today at noon! Nuts! I was extremely pleased.
I had to work today until 11:30, so I rushed home afterwards to grab Ryan and Corbi-lou and get them up the street to the pediatrician's office. Lucky for us, his office is in the same medical complex where Dr. Merritt was located, and they are also in the same medical group, which meant they already had access to her files and records. Nice. :)
As always, they took her measurements and weighed her. The coolest thing about Dr. Baker was that he keeps a chart and he showed up where she ranked percentile wise. She was 14 lbs, 4 oz, and I believe that was in the 75th percentile (okay, so we have a big baby, sheesh!), and her length was 25 3/4 inches, which put her in the 90th percentile! She's a long baby! Ryan and I speculate that wont last...we are both short people. :P
After talking with Dr. Baker about baby diet (we're about to start her on solids, fun!), he left us and the nurse came in to administer the shots. She was brutal! Maybe it's just me, but she was not very nice and just in way too much of a hurry. As we were leaving later, we saw her leaving, and I'm pretty sure she was going on her lunch break. EXCUSE US for holding her up. Oh well. And of course, Corbin cried during the shots. I'm glad I wasn't there alone with her this time. For a change, she didn't want to have anything to do with Ryan, and it was mama who soothed her. I got her to stop crying and gave her the paci. She was totally fine and fell asleep.
Later when we got home, I gave her some Tylenol (just in case, not that she was cranky or anything), and then we laid in the bed and played a bit. She's so cheerful, still! This sets of shots didn't slow her down one bit! That made me so happy. She's such a good baby. :) Here she is showing off her awesome yellow bandaids:

And I was finally able to capture some pictures of the foot-grabbing. She's completely fascinated with herself right now, especially her feet. It's adorable. :)

(She's looking so intense about it, lol)

I also think Corbin was channeling her inner pin-up girl, because she gave me some very posed shots that had me thinking of what her future might hold! Haha!

So yes, all is well. We are happy to have a new pediatrician that both Ryan and I really liked upon our first meeting. He was just really helpful and said that anytime we called him, he would always call back, usually within the hour, and that if Corbin ever got sick and we called him, he would get her in THAT DAY. So reassuring! I loved Dr. Merritt, but she never said things like that, and the way she just canceled our last appointment (without even warning me, by the way. The only reason I found out was because I called to double check the time of the appointment a few days prior. They couldn't fit me in at all the next week either, which was her last week at that office. I was very hurt, like my child and my family didn't really matter at all.), it left a bitter taste in my mouth.
What's in store for Corbi-lou now? Well of course, more mistaken gender issues (comes with being a girl with a boy's name!) and hopefully solid foods! I'll keep you posted! :D