Friday, August 8, 2008

The Costs of Raising a Child

Everyone always told me when I said that I wanted a baby that having one would be very expensive.

Then I got pregnant.

And of course, I began to hear about these costs more than ever. Formula, diapers, wipes, pacifiers, clothes, bottles, extra nipples for bottles, hair bows, shampoo and baby wash, toys, the crib, bedding for the crib, a car seat, a swing, a bouncy chair...there were so many things that you'd need to buy! It was a little daunting, I must admit.

But so far, we've been pretty lucky on the cost front. I have found that the most expensive item by far that we've had to almost continually purchase are batteries. No joke! Everything takes batteries! And not only does everything take batteries, everything takes all different sizes of batteries! So I'm buying AA for the mobile on the bassinet, AAA for something else, C for the swing, D for the bouncy chair...I mean, will it ever end?!

Of course the answer is "no." Gone are the days of good old fashioned toys...we live in the age of technology! Everything has lights and sounds and good vibrations!

But honestly, I can't complain. Not when it makes her this happy:

This is the first time the bouncy chair has had working batteries in it since she was old enough to appreciate it! She gets SO EXCITED when I hook this thing up!

All smiles! :)

And of course, there are some things that are just priceless. Like moments such as this:

Despite the costs, I couldn't be happier. I'd rather struggle a little bit and have my baby girl than have all the money in the world!

1 comment:

Jazzle49 said...

Great pictures! The excitement on Corbin's face while she's in the bouncy seat is great! And the zonked photo at the end is indeed priceless.
Grandma Lewis