Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Eye Color

So I found this website while I was pregnant that lets you input some data and then it predicts what chance your baby has in a percentage form of having a certain eye color.

Being the genetics nerd that I am, I find these things absolutely fascinating, and have always wondered what color eyes a baby between Ryan and I might have. So here's what I got, using the chart on the website:

As you can see, there is an almost 73% chance of Corbi-lou having brown eyes. She already looks so much like her daddy, identical even, so can't she have my eye color?!

I've been watching the changing of her eyes for a while now, and some days they look darker, like they are definitely turning brown, and other days they look lighter, almost blue-green. It would be really neat if she ended up with my daddy's green eyes!

Dr. Merritt, our pediatrician, said that her eye color wouldn't be settled until sometime between three to six months. Well she's almost four months now, and they are still changing! More likely than not, she'll have those beautiful brown eyes just like Ryan, but I'm still hoping that maybe, just maybe, I'll have my blue-eyed, dark-haired baby just yet. :)

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