Oh, hi...yeah, it's been a while, huh? But HEY, it's time for updates!!! I'm exactly 6 weeks behind today. That's 42 days. HOLY MOLY. So I'm going to get caught up, slowly but surely, even though everyday that passes it another day I'm behind, haha.
Welcome to JULY!!
So this was our first official moving day, because we finally had utilities at the new place, and we went on over to Lowe's to get a key made since the machine was broken at Walmart. And I LOVE stores that have buggies shaped like cars!
Corbin was steering with both wheels until she found the horn, heehee.
And if you haven't figured it out by now, why YES, we do shop in our pajamas regularly! I don't really do it myself much anymore because I see waaaaaaaay too many of my students when I'm out and about, but I admit I had on some rainbow striped pants very recently on a Walmart excursion, lol. :)