Monday, August 11, 2008

At-Home Portraits

Over the past few months, I've really gotten into photography, and really have had a lot of fun playing around in Photoshop. It's especially exciting now that I have a baby because I can finally take pictures of her! It's so fun to get some amazing photographs, and not even have to pay a professional! So far, these are my favorites:

This first one I did when Corbin was about two months old. We were just hanging out in bed one day while Ryan was at work and I decided to break out the camera. I sat it on the windowsill, and this is all natural sunlight. I hate to use the flash because it ruins pictures and makes weird shadows. My favorite thing about it is the highlights in her eyes. She's staring so intently at the camera. :)

This one I did very recently. She was hanging out in her baby bed, post-bath, and I decided to sit her up and see what I could get. The look on her face here cracks me up SO MUCH, because she looks JUST LIKE RYAN! I had to photoshop out the cord behind her head from the baby monitor and I changed up the colors a bit, but it's fun!

This last one I managed today! I went to the mall because our Hot Topic store is going out of business, and I got these stripey knee-high socks for $3! Pretty much the reason I bought them was so I could do a picture like this, because Corbin has these amazing leg-warmers from my awesomely awesome friend Summer that she hasn't been able to fit into yet. Lucky for me, today was the day they fit! :) And Corbin made a perfect face just in time for a picture. She is more adorable than words can say!

I'm so proud of myself! I did all of these pictures with a Canon Powershot SD500 7.1 megapixel digital camera, nothing fancy at all! And I LOVE doing these pictures, so if you ever want some baby photography, let me know! It would be lots of fun! :D


Cleo said...

best socks ever!!
Thats awesome :)

Jazzle49 said...

The portraits are really VERY good!
And , of course, she IS such a beautiful baby girl!!!
Grandma Lewis