Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tu + Tu = Tutu!

I have an obsession with tulle. I'm not exactly sure why, but at least I can admit it. A few months ago, I bought several yards of tulle and ribbon and fashioned my own homemade tutu. It is fantastic. I have wanted to make one for Corbin for a while, but I've been putting it off because of how painstaking it was to make mine (granted, mine will be MUCH larger than hers, but still...I can be so lazy sometimes!). Cutting tulle is nothing short of torture, just know that.

My tutu is dark pink + light pink and very full and flowy. So much fun! But I don't really have many opportunities to wear it, so it just kind of sits in a corner in my bedroom. Bummer. :(

Well, last Saturday I went to the Mall of Georgia with Emma (again!) and we went to Claire's and found the most fun, fun, fun tutu EVER! Already made! With a big pink bow on it! For only $7.50! A bargain! Especially considering the one I wanted to get her from Gymboree was $26! And this one is cuter! And will fit her for much longer! Yaaaaaaay!

So I'm kind of saving the mommy+baby tutu photoshoot for another time since we just had fun with matching socks, but I did manage to snag a few shots of her modeling her latest frilly accessory. :D

[That was photoshopped in a hurry, as I wasn't really trying to go for portrait. I'm saving that for another time!]

Is it horrible that I spoil my child so? Am I living vicariously through Corbi-lou? :P

1 comment:

Anna said...

You take such great pics of Corbin! I need to tap into my creative side, seriously. It's inspiring for me to see you capturing her so beautifully ... I take lots of pics of Aaron but I haven't taken like, a portrait-quality one yet. Anyway, I think it's funny you have such a thing for tulle. Is Corbin going to be taking ballet in the future? ...