Things, as always, are wonderful. My daughter, who really is America's Next Top Model, grows more and more beautiful everyday. I'm not kidding, she's gorgeous! And for those who were asking, her eyes are almost brown, with a hint of greenish-blue in the center. I think they will eventually turn brown completely, like Ryan's, and I'm totally fine with that. I'm resigned to just sharing my nose. And that's cool I guess. Except I HATE my nose. :P Well...I guess Corbin and I share more our of personalities than our looks. :)
For example, what do you do when you want daddy to pay attention to you and do something for you? Well, whining doesn't hurt!
(Okay, okay, I totally kid! Ryan is amazing, I hardly have to ask him to do anything. He's right there, being the best daddy and best husband ever. I'm so lucky.)
In other news, Corbin can almost sit up on her own! She can hold herself up pretty well, usually using her hands as a brace, and if she's on the bed, she'll hold onto the sheets to keep herself upright. I'm so proud! And today when she was laying on the floor on her blanket, I saw her push herself upright for a few seconds! Holy moly! She's seriously going to be sitting up and crawling before I know it! It scares me just a bit! I keep thinking about how Christmas is almost here, and she's going to be 8 months old on Christmas! EEEK! What kind of toys do you buy for an 8 month old?!
I already know one thing I'm definitely getting her: A Brobee pillow! I love Brobee, he's totally my favorite. I think she'll like it. I'm going to order it when I get paid later this week in case Hot Topic decides they want to quit carrying all this nifty Yo Gabba Gabba gear before Christmas!
And speaking of holidays...what is Corbin going to be for Halloween?! I just don't know! I see a lot of cute baby costumes, but the cuter ones are for bigger babies! GRR! I wanted her to be Snow White. Maybe next year? I don't know, I guess we'll just have to see, but time is running out! AAAH!
Well, I'm going to end this with a few pictures from our latest tutu photoshoot from Saturday. :D Corbi-lou is so darling in pink. <3

This is my favorite picture, so it has officially been added to my portraits portfolio, lol. But here is a great outtake:
MMM! Tutu looks like cotton candy, tastes like tulle!
And finally, a C.O.X.C.U. (not really, lol):