Thursday, September 18, 2008

Five Months Already?!

So Corbin will be five months old on Saturday, and I can hardly believe that it has truly been that long since she was born. This Saturday will also be the one year anniversary of the day I found out I was pregnant. We have come a very long way in since then!

To see just exactly how far we've come in the past five months, please refer to the following list:
    Corbin laughs and smiles almost constantly, especially at Ryan, and especially at me when I'm coming in from work. She also watches the dogs very intently, and lately I've noticed that she's taken to watching other people and children.

    Speaking of watching, Corbin watches a little bit of television. She watches Yo Gabba Gabba everyday with daddy at 11:30am, and then again at 5:30pm, usually with me if I'm home from work. It is such a fun show, and we all get really into it, dancing and singing along. My favorite part of this is that every time DJ Lance Rock comes on the screen, Corbin starts smiling and laughing. She recognizes him and he makes her happy. It's awesome.

    Corbin also likes watching America's Next Top Model with me, the only show that I watch regularly. It's so cute.

    She loves music and will sing along. She gets really loud and shrill. She also does this when she's excited and wants to talk. I think those conversations with her are the most entertaining I've ever had in my life.

    Corbin loves the outdoors. She really should get out in her stroller more. It makes her happy, and of course that makes me happy.

    She has been sleeping through the night since she was two months old. Nowadays, she goes down about 8 or 9, sometimes 10, and she wakes up again at around 8 or 9. Sometimes 10. Sometimes even later. Have I mentioned how wonderful and perfect my child is?!

    She has outgrown almost all of her baby clothes, and she's currently in the 3-6 months size onesies and she's fitting into a 6-9 months skirt that I got for her at The Children's Place. Crazy! Growing like a weed!

    Speaking of growing, she can now fit into all the headbands I've been buying for her compulsively (I am a headband addict, so I can't help myself), and so her options for hair accessories have greatly increased.

    Corbin can roll over. It makes bedtime a little more interesting, because I can't just set her on her back anymore and give her the paci and call it a night. She has to roll over a few times first and then whine as she's sitting in that position. She also sleeps on her belly most nights, which at first frightened me, but since she can roll over both ways, I've relaxed. If that's what she wants! She also will sometimes sleep with her butt up in the air. I think this baby is going to be crawling before I know it!

    She's started grabbing things. Earlier this week she had rolled over onto her belly and dropped her paci. She then reached out for it and put it back in her mouth properly. I was stunned! Babies are friggin' smarter than people give them credit for! She really has a thing for those Pacimals pacifiers. And they come in pretty colors. :)

    We've started solid foods, and so far she's had rice cereal, carrots, squash, and today sweet peas. Sweet peas, are by far, the favorite. She was so excited and happy the whole time she was eating them, so much so that she worked herself up into an insane frenzy when I couldn't make her a bottle fast enough. I've got a few more little jars of veggies left to try out, but I think it's time to break out the fruits. After all, she hasn't tried anything yet that she doesn't like! It's like she was a born eater. The first time I strapped her into the chair and brought the spoon to her mouth, she opened up wide like she knew exactly what to do! I'm so proud.

People ask me all the time how my baby is doing, and all I can do is gush. She is so perfect, so beautiful, so laid back; I couldn't be luckier! My favorite days of the week are Saturday and Sunday, and not because it's the weekend and those are my days off, but because I get to spend the entire day with her and Ryan. My favorite activity? Taking mid-day naps. :)


Anna said...

Aaaaah Tori! Corbin is so CUTE!!! She looks very smiley and are her eyes getting brown?? In that pic you post on facebook with this same note, her eyes look darker to me. She seems like she's growing so fast; 5 months already...

Anna said...

Okay so I just looked up the link about Yo Gabba Gabba ... it allll makes sense now, lol!

Tori said...

I told you! I think you'd like it if you watched it!

Dommi said...

OMG! I cannot believe that our little ones have been in this world for nearly half of a year already!! Isn't it great how they have started to communicate and are aware of everything around them. It's so cool that we both have such happy sweet babies! Max loves petting the kitty when she comes up to him and he will sit and watch her play with stuff for so long.Oh, and thanks for introducing us to yo gabba gabba. Maxwell loves it, but I've had to miss a few of them recently because he was sleeping. And you know what they say about never wake a sleeping baby. lol
It's great that Corbin sleeps through the night! I guess there isn't a whole lot of babies that sleep so well at night. I'm lucky that I too have a wonderful sleeper, and people are constantly telling me how lucky I am because of it. lol
Maxwell has started to grow out of some of his 3-6 month clothes too. He's just so long that they won't stay snapped!
I have kept myself from buying baby clothes since we had so many 0-6 months. But now that he is getting into 6-9 months I will be able to buy him clothes and not feel as guilty for wasting money. I haven't even stepped foot in The Children's Place, Baby Gap, or any of those baby clothing stores yet and I cannot wait ;)
Maxwell hasn't really started rolling over (except occasionally) but he does somehow work his way from one end of the bed to the other. He doesn't sleep on his tummy during the night, but he does like to pull the blankets over his head, which makes me panic too!
It's crazy how smart they are and how quick they learn to grab things! Maxwell is constantly grabbing everything and I've got to keep things far away from him or else they will end up in his mouth. He also try's to feed himself! He will grab my hand when I'm feeding him and start pulling it so the spoon goes to his mouth! He also gets frenzied when he eats, he will start crying if I don't put the food in his mouth fast enough! I cannot wait until his teeth come in and he can start eating big kid foods, and from the looks of it either can he! He's always trying to put my food in his mouth. They aren't stupid, they know when we are eating and they want some of whatever it is we have. It's so cute<3

So, I was just reading annabunny's comment and I too am curious to know if her eyes are pretty much brown now?! I think Maxwell's are a hazel brown color kinda like mine, but I'm not really sure yet...

Anna said...

Domonique, my son (3 mo) loves to pulls blankets over his head, too! I mean it's cute but I'm like, 'It's not safe, dude!' Silly babies...