Wednesday, June 2, 2010

100:365 Corbin in Wonderland


Corbin's Day 100! I had a big idea, but knew it was going to be difficult to execute. Even though I wasn't exactly able to capture my vision, I definitely got some cute shots and had fun playing dress-up with the Corbs!

I give you...Corbin in Wonderland! :D

Corbin's outfit includes her Easter dress from last year (12 months size...It took FOREVER to iron and then I didn't even know if it was going to fit! It ended up being okay for this, but not to wear anywhere, lol.), her black tutu, her black and white BabyLegs tights, and a black bow that used to be mine. And Winston's get-up included bunny ears. I was going for a "Follow the White Rabbit" theme. :)

Some outtakes!

I love her little chubby cheeks in this picture. :)

Such a pretty smile! She was having a good time (she LOVES being outside).

Crazy faces! I can't remember what Ryan was doing, but he got Winston really excited and he took off right after I luckily snapped this picture, haha.

And the rain drove us inside, so I snapped a few pictures there. I like this one. That chair is fantastical. :)

So yes, finally, my Alice in Wonderland themed shoot. It was fun! :D And now it's time to get caught up again! I actually had this post ready to go on the day I took these pictures, but I wasn't sure if I was happy with my editing of the daily photo, so I put off posting it until I was satisfied. :P

1 comment:

Unknown said...

EEK!!! These are so fantastic!!!