Wednesday, June 2, 2010

96:365 At The Playground!


Last Thursday, my last day of school for the year (WHOOHOO!), we loaded up and took Corbin to a nearby elementary school to play on their massive playground. It was super awesome! She was ready. Playgrounds are serious business. And so are those pigtails, haha.

One of the first things we did was hit the swings. Man, we had a blast! Ryan took pictures, and some of them came out pretty funny, but I really loved this one!

Corbin had to try out every little piece of playground equipment, even this weird thing, lol.

And if there are three things my baby loves, it's 1. Sticks. 2. Sand and 3....

SLIDES! Wow, does she love slides. As soon as we got to the playground she ran up to the first one and said, "Slide!" And she had to try them all out. And there were several.

She was such a big girl on the slides, too! She went down that big curly slide all by herself. I told her to wait for me, and as we were at the top getting situated, she just went on down! And I thought the height was rather intimidating! Go Corbin!

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