Wednesday, June 9, 2010

101:365 Baby Botanist


Welcome to June! :) We had to get Corbin some more sidewalk chalk (she LOVES the stuff), and while she was outside playing one day last week, she found some purple flowers growing over by our shed. She loves plants, especially ones with flowers. :)

I like her dirty the bottom of her feet are, heehee.

(Also, not sure why this photo uploaded sideways, but oh well! :P)

My pretty girl! Her hair is growing back and I've decided to leave her bangs alone. Every time I've had them cut, they don't swoop to the side like they are supposed to, so I'd rather pull them back out of her face! She looked too much like Dora for my liking! :P

Also, she has about figuring out how to UNLOCK AND OPEN the back door. She is obsessed with going outside! She takes my hand and says, "Want to go outside?" and drags me to the door. And I feel bad because sometimes it is just WAY TOO HOT to go out there! Ah well, can't wait for Autumn! :)

PS. We are MOVING at the end of this month! To a smaller cute house in Ludowici. Cheaper rent, nice backyard, very small and quiet neighborhood. I'm going to miss this place, but I look forward to the NEXT ADVENTURE! ;)

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