Wednesday, June 2, 2010

95:365 Little Mermaid


The duty to bathe the babe usually falls on me, and we spend a good amount of time playing, unless we're taking a "business bath" (which is when she gets to be in the bathtub long enough for her hair to get washed and body to get scrubbed), and I wash her hair and soap her up as she plays with her toys. The challenge comes when it's time to rinse the soap from her hair. She's not so big on laying back in the water. I tell her she's my mermaid and I'll swish her hair around. Sometimes she likes it, and it's been much easier lately!

I can't believe how long her hair is getting! She looks so peaceful here.

After the bath it was time for our pedicure! I put her in her highchair, clip and file her toenails, then let her pick the nail polish. She LOVES it. This time she picked "Berry Pink."

How cute! She "oohs" and "aaaahs" a lot when I paint her toenails, and I love our "girl time" together. :)

It's getting about time for a refresher, too. I'm so happy to have my baby girl that I can dress up in ribbons and bows and paint her little toesies...when she isn't covered in dirt and food goatee, that is!

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